Make Time

I haven’t posted a blog in a while as I have been super busy with work and life these days. However, when I wrote those words what I really meant was, "I haven't made time to write a weekly email lately because I have had other things that I prioritized above it." 

I heard a quote recently that stated, "If something is important to you, you will make time for it." I believe this to be true for 99.9% of people. There are very few individuals who don't waste hours each day on their phone, or are too busy at work that they literally have no time left in a week to do anything else. Most people can be more efficient with their time in order to fit in hobbies, chores, or workouts into their day that they often neglect. I hear the phrase "I didn't have time for "X"" almost every day, and I believe we need to rid ourselves of this thinking entirely.

Being "too busy" to do something is phrased in a way that immediately shifts blame away from yourself and towards perceived uncontrollable circumstances. It's a way to easily explain away why you didn't do something that you didn't prioritize. It feels good. Yes, some people are way busier than others, and priorities change over time. But again, if something is really important to you, you will make time for it. 

Starting this week I want you to start thinking about the things you prioritize, and which beneficial things you say you "don't have time for."
Do you wish you had more time to spend with your family? Cook your own food? Practice an instrument? Workout? If you really want to do it, find a way to do it. Now.

It might be time to ditch the passive mentaility and start taking responsibility for what you do with your time. I'm not saying it's easy, but it is necessary.

In strength,

Mark Kolding, M.S, 
Personal Trainer/Triathlon Coach


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